寸草心:好喜欢 俩小孩都很带感 看着就特别令人信服
兜兜飞:坦诚 很重要(PS:马特超帅超有型还专门去百度了叫 司徒颂曦85年的小哥哥)
Abigail在哪: 成年世界“分寸”之重要找不到能破而立的点守护boss下载只能永远卡在那通路都成为滞碍食时蜜糖思时砒霜饭气攻心命恐难长 识得放低都系几好嘅
阿阿阿喀琉斯: me help you. DO I EVER GET TIRED OF DROPPING EVERYTHING EMOTION TO SATISFY YOU? humans act in every predictable ways when they are frightened n that fear driving ppl as me go mad like never before, so i personally, act on fear, no one wakes up at 4 bc they are happy, i woke up 4 again this morning, having the dream i didnt remember, and checking things no longer important to me anymore, idk whats the point of living anyway, if i dont cherish every single momen then every passing secs is pure punishment, how am i gna live like that? for the rest of my life?? just fcking k1ll me already.. fear, for me, probly the single most strongest emotion, if i cant deal w fear..idk what i can do